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Kinda cheating

This isn't a personalized track selection per se, but hey how many of us have been over/underwhelmed by the "radio" selections on iTunes? Despite my excessive cataloging of music in my iTunes, I love radio. Recently I've put "Figure out web radio streaming to living room" as a project on my "open loop" list--the GTD weenies will understand...

Insider geek references aside, a few weeks ago, discovered an old skool none of that ridiculous cell phone hook/bass redonkulous/no funnies to the rhyme mixes web radio station. The streaming features short props are from fun and games artists--just heard a shout out from Guru that was accompanied by a fun little scribble. So check out the Flavor Mix under the hip-hop/rap category of iTunes. If you like smooth mixes and that 80's, 90's and select recent hip-hop tracks, you won't be disappointed. Like the tag promises, "1200 Hot Tracks in The Mix in A Day! All Styles From the Old to New." The DJ readers will appreciate the 1200 reference--go Technics. Speaking of which, anyone want to find me a pair? My Numarks are dragging and killing stereo on me.


uh oh, Fred Durst just butted in on this stream...but really it's a good station!

Wow, great find!

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