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Soondoobu pimp


That's me and The Monkey. Whoa, I need a haircut and really, wassup with those cheeks? Looks like I'm storing tofu in there for the winter months.

Yes, I am an official pin-up chipmunk, I mean dyke for Pyung Chang in Oakland. Click on the picture for the full review.

The I Can Eat Soondoobu Anytime Monkey and I were introduced to this place years ago by MJ and Lipat. For the longest time, I could never remember the name and would always refer to it as "that wooden tofu house on the corner. You know, it's up Telegraph." Past Ja-gu-ar? Yup, keep driving.

It's totally casual and there's no hint of canned chicken/beef broth that I hates. Although, I often find that the soondoobu could be spicier, it's always bubbling hot--as it should be, and their sides are fresh and plentiful. Unless, of course, they are fermented and in bite sizes. You know what I mean. As the review says, the bin dae duk is excellent too.

9 times out of 10 we run into people we know which gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling. Well, as long as I actually like the people I run into. When that's not the case, I try to hide, but there's no place to hide. So, I just eat and be happy. A bonus star for clean and gender neutral bathrooms.

Hungry. I'm hungry.


Hey I've eaten here a million times but I never got my picture taken, nor run into you. I think this is my favorite Korean place- their ban chan is the best & freshest. I agree the soondubu can be spicier & tastier. But I like coming here and seeing that woman with her collar always up and the other more friendly woman. And of course nothing beats having hot barley tea poured into your stone rice bowl.

Collar up always gives me a nice 80's kick and an FOB moment. Sorry for the delay in comment posting, my spam filter is schizoid in being both overly and underly effective. Underly is a new word.

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